Tuesday, October 9, 2007



Why can’t we have a bipartisan State Children’s Health Insurance Program?

If we had real statesmen we could. It’s to bad that what we got is a bunch of partisan politicians stirring up hate, and drawing party lines in the sand.

Let me explain this in a simple manner because; well…because it’s simple.

The republicans enacted the SCHIP program in 1997. We as taxpayers spend 5 Billion a year to run it.

1. The democrats proposed and passed a bill to increase it to 12 Billion a year.
2. The President is willing to increase it to 6 Billion a year.
3. The president has stated a willingness to negotiate this increase as well.
4. No negotiations of the amount of increase occurred.
5. Democrat’s sent the Bill to the President with a 7 Billion dollar increase over current funding
of the bill.
6. President Veto’s Bill.

This quote is from the OCT 4th article By David Espo, an AP Special Correspondent

“ Democrats, sensing a political advantage, said they were in no mood to compromise. Several officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were discussing strategy, said Pelosi and Reid seemed set on sending Bush successor bills that are nearly identical with the one he just vetoed. The goal would be to force him - and his congressional allies - to repeatedly expose themselves to criticism that they were denying health care for kids”.

It’s too bad this is an election year where the Democrat’s seem more interested in setting up an “us (the good guys) vs. them (those inhuman Republicans)” situation for political gain. I think we could easily compromise in the 9 billion dollar range.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. Republicans do this crap too. I just think we deserve more out of them than this. I know the kids do.

Don’t get me started on the fact that the Democrats proposed funding source for the program is from a tax increase on cigarettes. The government spends tons of money each year trying to get people to stop doing that. What happens to the kids if they succeed?

Lignarius Rex


Pyrosapien said...

Once again the Liberal Morons are using children as a shield. They care about children's health about as much as they care about what Bush has in the bathroom to read.

Anonymous said...

smoking kids great idea. So we can pay for their insurance when they are young pay nothing from 26 until they get cancer then pay afterwards.